Among all kinds of jewelry, diamonds are the closest to a woman's heart. There is a saying goes like "Diamonds are forever". Diamond is a very expensive element because it is obtained at only a few locations in the world after a hard procuring process. Diamond sets a new trend in the world of jewelry.
Diamond is known for its sterling beauty. Poets from all over the world have described the beauty of the diamond as the most beguiling. Almost each woman has a secret desire to have at least one diamond in her life. Diamond jewelry is not just another possession. Wearing diamond jewelry is like a dream come true for many women. Though there are various types of diamond jewelry like necklace, bangles, bracelets and rings, but rings are the most popular piece of diamond jewelry people love to buy. Diamonds are available in several colors but most popular colors of diamonds are deep blue, rich reds, greens, yellow and many others. While going for diamond jewelry shopping, you need to know few important facts about the quality and genuineness of diamonds. Diamonds are rated according to their cut, color, clarity and carat. While choosing a diamond, people mostly concentrate upon clarity and carat. They check the diamond for any visible impurity and the also see the size of the diamond. However, cut of the diamond is important for beauty of the diamond.

Cut is the skill to give a proper shape to a particular diamond to enhance its sparkling value. The shape of a diamond is given according to its internal dimensions, flaws and other features. Different types of diamonds have different properties internal refraction and reflection. These properties allow the light passing through diamond to split and reflect. More than clarity, these features of a diamond determine the sparkling properties. The most common shape of diamonds you can find is round. However, other shapes like oval, square cut, princess (square modified brilliant cut), pear, emerald, octagon, trillion, heart cuts and marquise are also found.
Cut of a diamond is important because it allows the light to reflect from each facet and internal surface of the diamond. It is important to look for a shape that would keep its appeal for years to come. Like you may not like princess cut or pear or heart shaped cut after a few years. When you are looking for diamond for a significant piece of jewelry, go for a classic cut.

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